Ben and Caila's special bnch
Ben and Caila's Special Bench
Ben and Caila's special bnch
Ben and Caila's Special Bench

Bachelor 2016: Episode 8 Recap

JoJo’s Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Are we all on the same page that the BS between JoJo and her ex was an elaborate setup courtesy of The Bachelor production team?

Do they seriously expect us to believe that JoJo’s ex just happened to deliver roses and a letter of regret to her door the day of her hometown date with Ben? And that he just happened to be available to talk on the phone on camera about said letter when she called him? Oh, and let’s not forget, JoJo didn’t immediately recognize the handwriting of her ex-boyfriend when she opened the letter. Thanks, ABC intern, for penning it for him.

Don't insult my intelligence

JoJo’s ex is named “Chad” (aren’t all Chads douchey?).  According to Chad during his phone conversation with JoJo, he’s grown and changed and learned what love is during the 39 days JoJo has been on the show. Let’s recall that Chad is an abusive philanderer but in a mere 5 1/2 weeks, he has turned his life around, realized the error of his ways, and is ready to be a good partner to JoJo.

Sure you have, Chad.

Dear Chad,

I think you’re full of sh*t. I think ABC contacted you and you’re such a narcissist that you jumped at the chance to get your 15 seconds of fame by participating in this charade to whatever extent you did. You didn’t write the letter and I’m pretty sure ABC took care of the roses.

Excellent work making yourself available at the prescribed time for your prearranged phone call with JoJo and memorizing the script ABC wrote for you and acting it out respectably. You’re an amazingly talented douche bag.

It’ll be fun for you when 25 guys are competing for the hand of your ex-girlfriend whom you abused and cheated on.

Cafe Emily

So after the Chad stunt is over, Ben arrives and JoJo gets him up to speed. She lets him know that Chad isn’t a factor in her life anymore.

Ben is understanding as always. He even says he wished he could have been there to comfort her when JoJo gave Chad his walking papers.

Finally, JoJo and Ben go to meet JoJo’s family. There are too many people in JoJo’s family to list them all.

The same questions from the mom as from the previous sisters/moms: What sets JoJo apart from the other women? *yawn*

Father is overprotective. *yawn*

Enter JoJo’s brothers!

They grill Ben hard. They ask if JoJo is going to get hurt. Ben’s response, “There’s still a lot of time.”

Cat shocked face

That’s not good.

The brothers warn JoJo to keep her guard up. They tell her Ben isn’t as invested as she is.

Brother 1: “Ben, you brainwash these girls too much. To see my sister like this after only two dates… I don’t think you’re as invested in this as she is…”

Cat shocked face

JoJo: “I don’t want Ben to walk away from tonight thinking he got ambushed in any way.”

Cat shocked face

Yeah, that could have gone way better.

Rose Ceremony

  1. Lauren
  2. Caila
  3. JoJo

Amanda goes home. She asks Ben why he put her through a rose ceremony if he was having doubts. He claims he didn’t know how he was feeling but let’s get real. It wouldn’t have been much of a show if he’d let Amanda go before the rose ceremony. I think Ben’s hands were tied on that one. It’d be nice if every woman could get the axe as soon as the lead didn’t see things working out but there’s a format to the show. You can stray from it once in a while but not every time.

Ben breaks down in tears thinking about how Amanda let him meet her kids and is unable to continue his post breakup interview. I think he was more upset than Amanda was.

After the show, we see a cut scene of Lauren’s younger brothers asking Ben about the fantasy suites.

He has to take a couple of sips of wine before muttering, “I’m not going to put your sister in a degrading position.”

So… missionary then?

See you next week!

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Check out these other blogs I think you’ll enjoy:

Therese Odell’s blog – Spoiler free and if you like snark, you will love Therese. – She does a nice, short and to the point spoiler-free recap. – Thorough, spoiler-free recaps by Lincee. Super nice lady too!
Some Guy in Austin – Spoiler-free guy’s perspective on the shows. – A compilation of the funniest tweets about all things Bachelor.
Reality Steve – SPOILER ALERT! Reality Steve is pretty caustic but love him or hate him, he’s entertaining and he’s the only truly accurate source for spoilers and “dirt” on contestants.
Sharleen Joynt’s Blog – Sharleen Joynt is the absolute bomb. She’s by far my favorite former Bachelor/ette contestant of all time. So glad I was finally able to find her blog to share with you guys. She is unsurprisingly the most insightful blogger about the Bachelor/ette/IP franchise.
Chris Harrison’s Blog – I don’t think he actually writes it but his ghost writer is damn clever.


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