Women Tell All Blog Delayed

Hi, guys.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I had to delay writing my recap for the Women Tell All due to a kidney infection. Health emergencies on top of chronic illness make it next to impossible to function so all of my energy this week has been dedicated to taking care of myself. I will try to write a recap this weekend but if I can’t get to it, I will be back next week to recap the finale.

Love you guys! 🙂


12 thoughts on “Women Tell All Blog Delayed

  1. I’m sorry to hear of your health setback, Emily, and eagerly look forward to you feeling your best again.

  2. Em, I hope you feel better soon, we are thinking of you and I am sending you good vibes. Take care, Chad. 😉

  3. So sorry to hear of your health issues, Emily, and hope that you’ll be feeling better soon. I didn’t comment on your last blog but will tell you now that I thought it was awesome – the hot pink background at the start was especially good! I also agree with all your thoughts on the women and am so hoping for JoJo to be the next bachelorette. We will find out in a few days if Ben can truly commit to one woman. It will be interesting! I’ll look forward to your next posting but in the meantime I’m reading many of your older postings from the prior seasons and thoroughly enjoying them. Take care!

  4. Take care of yourself and don’t worry about your readers! We will be here when you get back;)
    Love your take on this crazy franchise. It wouldn’t be the same without your funny insights!
    Pat in Boise

  5. Thanks all of you for your support. I’m starting to work on the Women Tell All blog now. Hope to get it done today. I have three Ask Emily blogs to post in the mean time.

    Talk to you guys soon!

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