Group Date (AKA – Water We Doing?)
- Alex
- Anthony
- Peter
- Bryan
- Jonathan
- Adam
- Matt
- Kenny
- Lee
- Iggy
- Eric
- Will
- Josiah
“I want to see who’s ready for commitment. – Rachel.”
Which means Jack Stone cold-killer gets the one-on-one.
The first part of the date takes place on a yacht. They get drunk. Josiah does pushups with Rachel on his back. They do the limbo. Peter raps: “I can tell you something real from my heart or I can tell you something fake like a fart.”
I probably should have said this on the blimp date but…
Peter should just not ever do that again.
The Spelling Bee
This has C-A-T-A-S-T-R-O-P-H-E written all over it.
Rachel thinks guys with intelligence are really sexy. So basically all of these guys should just go home now.
The guys who don’t spell their word right go to detention.
Round One
Adam – “SQUIRT”
Alex – “PASSION”
Jonathan – “CARESS”
Anthony – “SCHMUCK”
Kenny – “CHAMPAGNE” – C-H-A-M-P-A-N-G-E. He gets detention.
I’m actually impressed these dummies made it this far.
Round Two
Iggy’s word is “BOUDOIR”. He’s off by a mile and is sent to detention.
Adam is out but we’re not shown why.
Eric – “FAÇADE”: P-H-Y-S-D-E. Breathtakingly off the mark. Did Eric think they said “PhysEd”?
Peter – “COITUS”: Q-U-I-C-U-I. Mad points for originality. If the definition of “coitus” were “quiche and a quicky”, I’m almost certain this is how you would spell it.
Josiah – “STUNNING”
Anthony – “BOUTONNIERE”. WTF? Josiah gets “stunning” and Anthony gets “boutonniere”? This is the only word in the competition I couldn’t spell so I don’t blame Anthony for getting it wrong.
Final Round
Only Will and Josiah are left.
Will – “PHYSIOLOGICAL” – He spells it wrong.
Josiah – “POLYAMOROUS” – He gets it right and is declared the winner.
Since Josiah hasn’t figured out how to make out with himself yet, he makes out with his reflection in his spelling bee trophy.
Night Portion
There’s more? Please, God, make it stop.
The night is mostly centered on two conflicts: 1) Iggy and Josiah get into it over Iggy throwing everyone under the bus and then believing by admitting it, he absolves himself of responsibility. Iggy’s pot-stirring days are numbered so I don’t care. 2) Lee both baits and race-baits Kenny into a fight that will make him look bad in front of Rachel.
Kenny calls Lee an “alternative facts piece of garbage”. 😆
Peter says Lee comes across as very “disingenuwin”. 😆
Kenny and Lee step outside to “have a chat”…
Next Up: Episode 5, Episode 6
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