Episode 9 – Meet the Lindsays
I am only going to cover this episode briefly. I don’t have much to say about most of it.
Because Constance, Rachel’s older sister, is 8-months pregnant and could go into labor at any moment, she isn’t cleared for travel and so all three of the remaining men fly to Dallas to meet Rachel’s family.
Except we didn’t get to meet Samuel! I was so looking forward to seeing Rachel’s dad finally but I totally understand why he didn’t want to appear on television.
Not only is he a judge with a serious professional career to protect but he’s also black which puts that much more of a burden on him to make sure nothing tarnishes his reputation. This stupid show just isn’t worth what he could lose if it didn’t go well. It’s also hard to take a judge seriously who’s appeared on a trashy reality show.
I’m also certain he thinks this show is rubbish and there’s no way Rachel is actually going to find her husband on TV. I tend to agree.
Peter Meets the Family
Peter is up first. Before he goes into meet her family though, he pulls Rachel aside to let her know he’s falling in love with her. Rachel says she’s falling in love with him too. He says he “kind of figured”. Awwww… ain’t reciprocated infatuation love grand?
Constance’s husband has lost a lot of weight since the last time we saw him. If he lost the ginger beard, he’d be a solid 6 1/2.
We find out that Peter’s parents, who’ve been together forever, got married after only knowing each other for a month. I think that’s hilarious given his fears about doing the same.
Peter tells Rachel’s mom that he doesn’t want to ask for her blessing to propose yet until he’s certain that it’s the right thing to do but asks permission to continue to date Rachel. Mrs. Lindsay loves Peter’s conservative approach and my guess is that of all the guys she met, he’s the one she’d be most likely to give her blessing precisely because he didn’t ask for it.
However, Rachel repeatedly says she didn’t come on the show to leave with a boyfriend so trouble is on the horizon.
Eric Meets the Family
After Eric and Rachel leave the hotel, Peter tells Bryan, with about as much open hostility as he’s capable of (not much), that he doesn’t want to be sitting there with him.
Eric says he loves Rachel unconditionally. *cough* bullsh*t *cough*
Eric is a total brown-noser when he meets the family, especially when he talks to Rachel’s mom.
During his future-husband sales pitch, he tells Mrs. Lindsay that he “embodies” to have the same kind of relationship that Rachel’s parents have.
Now it’s time to play a game I like to call “Guess the 25 cent word he was trying to impress us with but failed because of vocabulary overreach”:
a) Aspires
b) Endeavors
c) Envisions (requires sentence reconstruction but makes the most sense)
d) Embroidery? Embolism? Ebola?
Rachel’s mom gives her blessing to Eric to ask Rachel to marry him because she trusts Rachel not to marry him.
Next: Episode 9 part 2, Motherf*cking Lee at the MTA
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